Minggu, 15 Maret 2009

Crystal Lagoons Busy Creating The World’s Biggest Swimming Pool In Egypt

Minggu, 15 Maret 2009

sharmelsheikh Crystal Lagoons Busy Creating The Worlds Biggest Swimming Pool In Egypt

Crystal Lagoons is an ambitious company with big bucks to support its rather larger than life endeavors. Its most recent announcement impressed a lot of travellers. Well, the idea is to build the largest swimming pool in the world that too in the middle of the Eqyptian desert. We learnt that the pool will comprise tweleve giant lagoons at the Sharm El Sheikh beach along with 30,000 home units, five star hotels, a museum and a shopping center. Wow!!!

For the uninitiated, Crystal Lagoons constructed the largest pool in the world at San Alfonso del Mar in Chile. But soon it will be surpassed by its Egyptian relative which is expected to be completed by July this year.

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Bellota mengatakan...

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imi mengatakan...

exciting to see it, when it will be completed.

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imjd mengatakan...

i think it will be the first biggest swimming pool in the world.

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julie mengatakan...

superb news when it will be completed. want to see this

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